Come rilevare una perdita di aria compressa? Quale fotocamera della serie Fluke TI è giusta per te? Richiedi il tuo accesso ai webinar tramite il nostro modulo. Attendiamo con impazienza di incontrarti.

09.10.2020   3.00-4.00 PM     Compressed air leak detection with Fluke ii900

Detect leaks in compressed air systems and increase their reliability. Ensure safety of operation and save energy with Fluke's unique solution: ii900 Sonic Industrial Imager.

16.10.2020   3.00-4.00 PM     Which thermal camera do I need? Fluke TI product line overview
Uncover the potential of thermal imaging and discover the range of Fluke thermal imagers. Find out how our cameras can help you with proactive maintenance and diagnostics in industrial applications.

23.10.2020  3.00-4.00 PM     Uncover and solve power quality issues - Fluke 1730 family overview
The ability to record and analyze power quality is now at your fingertips - detect where energy is wasted, optimize energy use and reduce electricity bills with Fluke's 1730 series.